vendredi 12 juillet 2024

The 17th International Encaustic Conference Report

Je dédie ce voyage à mes parents, mes frères et ma soeur. Tout ceci n'aurait pas pu être possible sans le cadeau qu'ils m'ont fait pour mes 50 ans.

A Hélène, Clémentine et Nathan pour leur indéfectible soutien familial. 


I dedicate this travel to my parents, my brothers and my sister. All this couldn't by possible without their gift for my 50th birthday.

To Helene, Clementine and Nathan for their indefectible familial support.

I spent good moments gathering my memories from the Conference and writing this article, sometimes direct from my notebook. Hope you enjoy reading it! 

All photos by the author (except Daniel's photo)


Back from Provincetown, encaustic, oil stick, ink on Fabriano watercolor paper, June 2024
(thanks to Enkaustikos and R&F for their encaustic paint and oil stick samples!)

This is my personal report of the 17th International Encaustic Conference in Provincetown on May 31 to June 2, 2024.

After a long travel I arrived on Thursday from Lille to Paris by train, then Boston by plane and finally Provincetown by the ferry. Compared to my final transport by boat (with a rough sea!) my flight from Paris to Boston was very quiet...

Arrival in Provincetown! Tired but Happy!

Dusk's colors in the streets of PTown


Day One: Gallery of Portrait and Monotypes


On my way to the Provincetown Inn. Sunny light, beautiful blue sky: it will be a perfect day!



The first Talk was about Monotype and Encaustic with Debra Claffey.

In the Harbor Room David A. Clark came to me and talk immediately in French! This great artist, and I knew his artwork for a long time, was one of the meeting I really expected this year. I was really honored by his friendly salutation!

I wanted to learn more about the technique of monotype and this talk was perfect. Monotype is a very rich and complex technique, you can work with so many materials! Many artists of the exhibition Singularities: The Wax Monotype curated by Debra Claffey were at the Talk. I can't wait to see their artworks at The Commons for the openning of the show in the evening.

Then I was at the Talk of Karen Bright When Inspiration Meets Intent, an intersting talk about her work. She talked about her work with Climate Change préoccupation. 

I started the afternoon with the Demo Beginning Encaustic of my friend Isabelle Gaborit from Ireland. I was at this Demo because I know she is a really good teacher and it's always interseting to listen to someone with such an experience of teaching for many years (Of course I have project of teaching in the future but I'm not ready for that for the moment) She talked about important things in our practice like safety, how to set up the studio... good to remind this things even when you are not a beginner! "Keeping the body busy" as she says!

Then The Panel: The State of Encaustic after a Generation with Joanne Mattera, Marla Rice and Darin Seim president of R&F. I learned many informations about history of encaustic and the encaustic community.

Honestly my english was not so good this year than it was in 2022. It was enough to talk and have fun with friends during the Conference but sometimes difficult to understand talks of Conferees !

At the end of this first day of the Conference I went to the openning of Three Visions with Christine Aaron, Joanne Mattera and Cherie Mittenthal at Radiance Gallery on Commercial Street.
With Cherie!
her artwork, I love it!
    With David!
                                                                          With my friend Ken Gold from the Bay Area!

     With Annette from The Netherland!

Artwork of Joanne Mattera
Artworks of Christine Aaron

.... and then the Openning of Singularities: The Wax Monotype curated by Debra Claffey at The Commons on Bradford Street. But I arrived too late...Many of the people for the openning were gone when I arrived at the gallery!
There were artworks of artists I really wanted to see for a long time especialy works of Paula Roland, Alexandre Masino, Laura Moriarty, Kay Hartung and Debra Claffey.
    Paula Roland, Koan #17, encaustic monotype

 Alexandre Masino, La Racine des Jours II, encaustic monotype. I love it!

 Laura Moriarty, Belowground, encaustic monotype. My favorite!


Kay Hartung, Networks 2, encaustic monotype.


Debra Claffey, Marsh Arising, encaustic monotype

Kathleen Cosgrove, Blue Wave Scroll, encaustic monotype. love the colors!

                                                                                      Karen Bright, Comfy, encaustic monotype.

Birgit Huttemann-Holz, Fleur II, encaustic monotype.


Day Two: From Dead Fish to a Celebration of Life


I wrote this words on my notebook during the Keynote of Petah Coyne and I think it really sum up her work and artist's life.

While Petah Coyne said at the begining that she's "working with wax but don't know anything about encaustic" her storytelling was amazing and she really had talent to talk about her work and captive her audience. At the end of the talk Joanne asked her if she will be writing a Memoir. I hope she will!

Does every great artist have the ability to transform the reality and make it for his own in her/his work ? I think the work of Petah Coyne is the perfect expression of that with a total give of body and soul in her creations.

This second day of the Conference her Keynote was the most amazing story I ever heard and I think it was for all of the attendees who were this morning in the Harbour Room at the Provincetown Inn. Petah is a wonderful storyteller! After her Keynote I asked her if she had ever an exhibition of her work in France. She answered "Hum... never in France, is it possible ? You can come to my studio!" and I promised her I will write an article on my blog about her work, so french people can know her better.

In the afternoon I was at the Demo of David A. Clark about Cold Composition in Encaustic Printmaking. I discovered a new technique and I think it will keep my mind busy for months to come!

David is a wonderful person with a real love to share his knowledge about art and encaustic. I was very lucky to meet him this year and I'm looking forward to meeting him again and maybe seeing his work one day in France!  

Then I was at the Demo How Far can Color Go with Lisa Pressman and Richard Frumess, the fondator of R&F Paint. It was a wonderful moment seeing them working together, like a four-hand piece on a piano, building of a palette with tonality, transluency, in search of harmony with colors. 

After the openning of the Postcard Show in the Lobby I went to the Openning of the exhibition Transparency of the New England Wax group in Wellfleet (I am very grateful to Sholeh Regna and her husband David to drive me to Weelfleet, my first Roadtrip in the U.S !)

With Edith Beatty in front of her work.

With Nancy Whitcomb

Nancy Whitcomb's artwork Two Balls  

With Kay Hartung!

Kay Hartung's work Geocolor 15, love the colors!



Day Three: End of the Conference and fighting the Void


The third day of the Conference started with the Hotel Fair. I met many artists and making new friends!
So glad to meet again Debra Claffey and talk with her!

With Bettina from Switzerland, one of my new friends this year!
I met Laura Moriarty and talked with her. She gave me a wonderful gift: her book Table of Content !

Artwork of David A. Clark Petit réglage vers la joie, j'adore!


Always a pleasure to see Joanne's artwork and talk with her


Artwork of Isabelle Gaborit from Ireland (and she's speaking french too!)


In the afternoon The Talk of Kelly Milukas Are You Exhibition and Press Ready? was perfect for me. Kelly is such a wonderful person and she really give her energy to the audience!  

Then I finish this intense three days of Conference with Demo of Wayne Montecalvo about Encaustic and Mixed Media. Always good to see this experienced teacher in a demo with alternatives techniques with so much different materials.

And finally we all come to the Mayflower Room for the end of the Conference. Cherie, Marisa and all the team of Castlehill made an amazing job for this Conference and I think they are already working on the next one!


...and a wonderful evening at Victor's with Diana, Christine, Nancy, David, Joanne and Susan (Daniel is taking the photo!). So proud to be part of this wonderful encaustic community!


After my first Conference in 2022 this year was another challenge for me: to come alone without Helene, Clementine and Nathan. This year I remember when I arrived in Boston, after the Logan Airport, walking in those streets on my way to the Seaport Boulevard. I said to me  "I love this place, I feel like I'm going back Home!". I can't discribe it!

I know now that a part of me stay in Provincetown and I will return !

How to fight the Void of post-Conference? Remembering all those precious moments with friends during the Conference, simply sharing the most precious time in Life: to be here, laughing, talking about life, about our work and wax, moments we have spent together, moment we will share in the future.

Here I share a wonderful article about the 17th IEC (and a beautiful three-hour walk through sand dunes !) of my friend Isabelle 

The International Encaustic Conference is the best thing you can do for yourself.. Tout à fait!

I couldn't have said it better Isabelle !


Back to Lille after a long travel (near the TGV train station in front of Yayoi Kusama's artwork Les Tulipes de Shangri-la). This guy looks tired but with stars in his eyes!

Thanks for your reading,
I wish everyone a beautiful and creative summer,




mercredi 1 mai 2024

Les coulisses de PROWAX

Back to Provincetown, encaustique et encre sur papier, 2024


9 ans déjà ! et un beau chemin parcouru depuis la création de ce blog en 2015.

Pour fêter cela je vous propose de revenir sur une partie de mon parcours professionnel en tant qu'artiste, grâce à l'encaustique et l'art en général, et de découvrir une partie de mon histoire qui m'a amené à partir à Provincetown aux États-Unis pour rejoindre une communauté internationale d'artistes. 

Après la publication de mon précédent article consacré au PROWAX JOURNAL  j'ai reçu, par Messenger ou sur ma page Facebook personnelle, les félicitations d'artistes américaines professionnelles comme Joanne Mattera, Nancy Natale ou encore Debra Claffey qui sont à présent des collègues et amies mais également de nombreuses autres artistes ayant travaillées pour le PROWAX JOURNAL entre 2013 et 2018. Joanne Mattera a partagé ce travail sur la Page de l'International Encaustic Conference, une page qui rassemble au niveau international l'ensemble des artistes participants tous les ans à la Conférence à Provincetown aux États-Unis depuis 2007. C'est bien sûr un honneur et une grande fierté pour moi, ayant travaillé sur ce projet entre 2021 et 2024 parmi d'autres activités. Voici en quelques mots comment tout cela est arrivé.

Le travail que j'ai réalisé pour le PROWAX JOURNAL est un travail de documentaliste ou bibliothécaire, héritage de mes études dans le domaine des Bibliothèques et des Sciences de l'Information en marge de mes études médicales, mais avant tout un travail d'artiste : celui d'heures passées dans la solitude de l'atelier à rassembler toutes ces données numériques mais lues par des personnes réelles, les lecteurs du PROWAX JOURNAL dont je fais partie. Toutes ces données, articles et chapitres du PWJ se présentaient sous différentes formes que j'ai décidé de rassembler sous une table des matières complète ou plus précisément un Index des rubriques des 21 numéros du Journal. Je tenait également à y faire figurer le nom de tous les artistes apparaissant à chaque rubrique du Journal. Un travail colossal mais je m'y suis tenu patiemment, régulièrement, pendant une heure ou deux, voire des matinées ou des soirées entières. Un travail d'artiste donc, non rémunéré bien sûr mais avec à la clef la récompense et la reconnaissance, pour moi simple artiste français, d'une communauté internationale d'artistes professionnels.

 Le PROWAX JOURNAL, revue numérique américaine en langue anglaise par et pour des artistes professionnels, était déjà une revue très complète et précise en partie du au fait que les personnes qui l'ont édité travaillaient déjà dans le domaine de l'édition (Joanne Mattera a travaillé comme éditrice pour de nombreux magazines dont le célèbre magazine GLAMOUR à New York). Lorque le dernier numéro de PROWAX est sorti en octobre 2018, j'ai réalisé qu'il n'y aurait pas d'autres numéros, pas de numéro 22. Je n'avais a cette époque aucun contact avec les membres de la communauté d'artistes. Je cherchais absolument un moyen de compiler toutes ces données (chapitres, rubriques, numéros du Journal, noms des artistes) pour donner une unité ou chacun pourrait revenir autant de fois qu'il le souhaite et relire le PROWAX JOURNAL à l'infini. C'était un souhait personnel au départ et après ma participation à la Encaustic Virtual Conference en 2021, j'ai décidé d'en faire un projet destiné à être partagé à l'ensemble de la communauté. Mais je ne savais pas encore quel moyen trouver pour rassembler tout cela. 

Les accès vers les différentes sections ou rubriques du Journal et les sommaires de chaque numéro existaient déjà mais il fallait tout rassembler. Certains liens n'existaient plus et il a fallut aller les chercher dans les méandres de la Toile. Difficulté supplémentaire : le PROWAX JOURNAL a été édité tout d'abord sur une plateforme Wordpress puis ensuite sur Blogger... J'ai ensuite mis en forme tout cela sur mon blog, après un long travail de retranscription et de récupération des liens, parfois manuscrit ou sur un format Word. 

J'avais acheté en 2012 le livre de Joanne Mattera consacré à l'Encaustique et je suivais régulièrement son blog sans avoir encore de contact personnel à l'époque. C'est donc comme cela que j'ai eu connaissance de l'arrivée d'un nouveau journal consacré à l'Encaustique en septembre 2013 lorsqu'elle l'a annoncé sur son blog. J'attendais chaque numéros avec impatience et je sentais qu'il y avait là de nombreuses informations et expériences d'artistes professionnels. J'avais envie de rendre au PROWAX JOURNAL et à cette communauté d'artistes tout ce qu'ils m'avaient apporté. C'est dans cette optique de partage d'informations et d'expériences que j'ai créé mon blog en 2015.

Après avoir participé à la International Encaustic Virtual Conference en 2021 (merci cher Covid !) j'ai décidé de réaliser mon rêve et de partir à Provincetown aux États-Unis pour participer à la Conference en 2022. Ce qui était au départ un rêve d'artiste et un projet personnel est devenu alors un projet familial : avec Hélène nous avons repris des cours d'anglais 6 mois avant de partir (entre nos boulots et la vie quotidienne...) et nous avons décidé de partir avec les enfants pour découvrir Boston puis nous rendre à Provincetown au moment de la Conference. Tous les artistes ont été très touchés par notre venue en famille. Ce fût en grand moment. 

J'ai découvert là bas des artistes et des œuvres d'art fantastiques, d'une forme complètement nouvelle qui me sortait de mon paysage franco-français où je me sentait à l'étroit. Je continue à croire en la beauté de ces œuvres et au travail de ces artistes, pas seulement dans le domaine de l'encaustique, que je continuerais à défendre en France d'une façon ou d'une autre. Comme dit Nancy Natale sur la page de la Conference, ce travail réalisé pour le PROWAX JOURNAL est un accomplissement, et d'autant plus dit-elle que l'anglais est une deuxième langue pour moi. 

Un accomplissement bien sûr et le début d'autre chose puisque je repars fin mai à Provincetown pour la 17th International Encaustic Conference ! J'ai hâte de retrouver l'ensemble de cette communauté internationale, devenus désormais des collègues et amis car nous pouvons partager de nombreux points communs de nos pratiques artistiques et de nos expériences. Il n'y a pas d'autre endroit que Provincetown où je puisse partager tout cela. Rien ne peut me plaire autant que ce projet artistique et humain d'ouverture sur le monde.

Merci de votre lecture et de votre soutien!


mercredi 10 avril 2024



Nancy Natale, As Sweet As Honey, 2011, Encaustic, board, dominoes on panel, 36x36 inches, Header of PROWAX JOURNAL 21 (with courtesy of Nancy Natale)

A Few Words in Introduction

The PROWAX JOURNAL was a quarterly magazine for Professional Artists working with Wax and Encaustic edited between September 2013 and October 2018. There was 21 Issues. Maritza Ruiz-Kim was the Editor-in-Chief from Issue 1 to 11, Nancy Natale and Joanne Mattera shared the editorial job of the Issue 12 and Joanne Mattera was Editor-in-Chief from Issue 13 to 21.
Even if I knew encaustic since 2007, my encaustic conscience was born on a day of September 2013 with the first Issue of PROWAX JOURNAL. The most part of my encaustic culture come from the reading of Joanne Mattera's book and my long hours of reading the PROWAX JOURNAL.
I started that project a few years ago trying to figure out a better way to navigate threw this monument of contemporary encaustic history, the only free online publication made by artists for artists. First I did for myself a complete Table of Contents on a Word format. Then in 2021, after the 14th International Encaustic Virtual Conference, I asked myself "Why don't I share that work on my blog?". Three years later, there it is ! It was an important work, more a documentalist's work, a resurgence from my past studies in Library and Information Sciences (a part of my story...). I really had fun to it.

How to use that Table of Contents:
Click on the title of the Issue and you can read the entire Issue
Click on the title of the Section and you have the Section only
For each Section I mention names of the artists for their works or their words. If the name appears several times in the Section I mention her/his name one time only.

Tell me if you find some mistakes on your name or are there some dysfunctions by using the Table of Contents.
Feel free to contact me if you want a PDF copy of this Table or anything else.

So, going back to PROWAX JOURNAL... are you ready ?

Vincent Delrue.

Quelques mots d'introduction:

Le PROWAX JOURNAL est une publication trimestrielle numérique américaine pour les artistes professionnels utilisant la cire et l'encaustique dans leur travail. Elle comprend 21 numéros qui furent publiés entre septembre 2013 et octobre 2018. Je présente ici sur mon blog une table des matières interactive complète de l'ensemble des numéros et différentes sections du journal ainsi que l'ensemble des artistes ayant contribué à sa conception. Cette publication, complètement gratuite et entièrement réalisée par des artistes professionnels, est incontournable dans l'histoire contemporaine de l'encaustique.
J'ai débuté ce projet en 2021 et le voilà terminé ! Un travail important, plutôt un travail de documentaliste, une résurgence de mes années d'études dans le domaine des Bibliothèques et des Sciences de l'Information (une partie de mon histoire...). J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à le faire.  
N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez une copie PDF de cette table des matières.
Bonne découverte ou relecture à tous !
Vincent Delrue. 



Issue 1, September 2013

Featured Article : The Artist’s Give and Take 

By Maritza Ruiz-Kim

In Five Words, Part One : Jane Guthridge

In Five Words, Part Two : Tracey Adams

Artist’s Community : An Artist’s Community

By Milisa Galazzi 

Krista Svalbonas, Debra Claffey, Jane Allen Nodine, Catherine Nash

Essential Questions : Essential Questions For ProWax Artists : Successful Mentoring

Jennie Frederick, Ruth Hiller, Krista Svalbonas

Issue 2, November 2013

Featured Article : The Weight : Dealing with the Issue of « Encaustic Art »

By Joanne Mattera

Howard Hersh, Ruth Hiller, Jennie Frederick, Milisa Galazzi, Cheryl McClure, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Elena De La Ville, Nancy Natale, Jane Guthridge, Jane Allen Nodine, Francesca Azzara, Joanne Mattera.

Artists and Community : Artists & Community 

By Milisa Galazzi (conversation with Krista Svalbonas)

In Five Words, Part One : Pamela Winegard

In Five Words, Part Two : Karen Nielsen-Fried

Featured Artworks : The Materiality Of The Work

Elise Wagner, Wayne Montecalvo, Tracey Adams, Christine Shannon Aaron, Bonny Leibowitz, Kenise Barnes

Essential Questions : Essential Questions For ProWax Artists : Critique

Pamela Blum, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Joanne Mattera, Cheryl McClure, Jane Guthridge, Jennie Frederick

Supplement : Toward Standards & Practices in Teaching Encaustic (from the 7th International Encaustic Conference, June 2, 2013)

Issue 3, January 2014

Featured Artworks : Wax and The Photographic Image

Elena De La Ville, Jeri Eisenberg, Wayne Montecalvo, Sarah Rehmer

Featured Article : Acquiring Skills To Support the Studio Practice : In this Issue, Photography

By Maritza Ruiz-Kim


David A. Clark, Elena De La Ville, Patricia Dusman, Karen Freedman, Sarah Rehmer, Patti Russotti, Krista Svalbonas.

In Five Words, Part One : Jane Nodine

In Five Words, Part Two : Winston Lee Mascarenhas

Artist and Community : Artist & Community 

By Milisa Gallazzi (Interview with Natalie Abrams, Video of her studio)

International Viewpoints : Encaustic in Mexico

By Raé Miller

Essential Questions : Essential Questions For ProWax Artists : The Business Of Artmaking

Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Cheryl McClure, Jane Nodine, David A. Clark, Joanne Mattera, Jeanne Frederick

Issue 4, March 2014

Featured Artworks : Structure

Toby Sisson, Ruth Hiller, Laura Tyler, Howard Hersh, Joanne Mattera, Tracey Adams, Nancy Natale, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Lynda Ray, Kate Miller

Featured Article : Studio Practice : The Nexus of Content and Medium

By Maritza Ruiz-Kim

Elise Wagner, Howard Hersh, Susanne Kilgore Arnold, Lynda Ray, Ruth Hiller, Krista Svalbonas, Paula Fava, Debra Claffey, Tracey Adams, Cheryl D. McClure, Kate Miller, Peggy Epner, Toby Sisson, Nancy Natale, Laura Moriarty, Laura Tyler, Joanne Mattera

International Viewpoints : Teaching The Art of Encaustic in The Netherlands : An Interview with Catherine Nash

Karina van Vught and Zijdelings Studio, Lia Flemings, Cherilyn Martin, Deborah Mathisen. Photos : Karina van Vught, Catherine Nash

Artists and Community : Artists & Community

By Milisa Galazzi (Interview with Laura Moriarty about her residency experiences)

Issue 5, May 2014

Featured Artworks : Naturally Occurring 

By Debra Claffey 

Debra Claffey, Charyl Weissbach, Jane Allen Nodine, Marilyn Banner, Susan Delgavis, Tracey Adams, Pamela Wallace, Christine Shannon Aaron, Catherine Nash, Susanne Arnold, Jane Goethel Guthridge, Jeri Eisenberg, Leslie Neumann

Featured Article : Studio Practice : Working in Series

By Krista Svalbonas 

Pam Farrell, David A. Clark, Milisa Galazzi, Heidi F Beal, Debra Claffey, Graceann Warn, Paula Roland, Howard Hersh, Cheryl D. McClure, Joanne Mattera, Karen Nielsen-Fried, Lisa Pressman, Tracey Adams, Marilyn Banner, Deborah Martin, Elise Wagner

OP ED : Sandbox Semantics

By Heidi F. Beal

In Five Words : Graceann Warn

Artists and Community : Artists & Community

By Milisa Gallazzi (Interview with Kim Bernard about her residency experiences)

International Viewpoints : An International View of Encaustic (this regular section will return in the next issue, July 2014)

Issue 6, July 2014

The Loop Of Abstraction : Amy Ellingson at San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art 

By Maritza Ruiz-Kim

Wax At The Miami Art Fairs 

Text and photography by Joanne Mattera 

Marina Abramovic, Wolfgang Laib, Johannes Girardoni, Amy Ellingson, Francesco Sena, Richard Dupont, Catherine Jacobi, Berlinde de Bruyckere, Domenico Bianchi, Rana Rochat, Sandra Vasquez de la Horra

In Five Words : Nancy Ferro

Artist Communities : Jane Guthridge 

By Milisa Galazzi (Interview with Jane Guthridge about her residency at the Jentel Artist Residency Program in Wyoming)

Essential Questions : Expectations For Teaching Standards

By Jane Guthridge . 

Questions were asked by Joanne Mattera at the 8th International Encaustic Conference « Raising The Bar : Standards and Practices in Theaching Encaustic » with Milisa Galazzi, Sara Mast, Cherie Mittenthal and Toby Sisson 

Answers by Cheryl D. McClure, Nancy Natale, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Rae Miller, Joanne Mattera, Deborah Kapoor, David A. Clark, Cat Crotchett, Jennie Frederick

Issue 7, September 2014

Not The Sincerest Form Of Flattery

By Joanne Mattera

David A. Clark, Nancy Natale, Laura Moriarty, Marybeth Rothman, Pamela Winegard, Paula Roland, Elise Wagner, Jeff Schaller, Wayne Montecalvo, Mindy Nierenberg, Gregory Wright, Laura Tyler, Christine Aaron, Kate Miller, Graceann Warn, Joanne Mattera

The Pull Of Paper

By Deborah Winiarsky 

Lisa Zukowski, Dorothy Furlong-Gardner, Dorothy Cochran, Lisa Pressman, Peggy Epner, Gail Gregg, Elise Wagner, David A. Clark, Deborah Kapoor, Helen Dannely, Alexandre Masino, Paula Roland, Jeffrey Hirst, Pat Spainhour, Jennie Frederick, Milisa Galazzi, Shelley Gilchrist

Too Much, Too Soon

By Heidi F. Beal

In Five Words : Jeff Juhlin

Artist Communities : Ruth Hiller

By Milisa Galazzi (interview with Ruth Hiller about her residency at the Golden Foundation Residency Program)

International Viewpoints : Luxembourg, Ireland, Israel  (Is this section was originaly in the PWJ 2 ?)

By Elena De La Ville

Reiny Rizzi-Gruhlke, Lora Murphy, Myriam F. Levy. 

Essential Questions : Works On Paper

By Jane Guthridge 

Joanne Mattera, Howard Hersh, Shawna Moore, Elise Wagner, Jane Allen Nodine, Pamela W. Wallace, Jeff Juhlin, Dorothy Cochran, Cheryl McClure, Christine Aaron, Rebecca Crowell, Pat Spainhour, Paula Roland, Jeff Juhlin

In Memoriam : Gilda Snowden

By Joanne Mattera

Issue 8, January 2015

Guiding The Creative Process

By Nancy Natale

Linda Ray, Timothy McDowell 


By Deborah Winiarski

Binnie Birstein, Lynette Haggard, Gregory Wright, Pamela Blum, Lorrie Fredette, Pamela Wallace, Lorraine Glessner, Deborah Winiarski, Winston Lee Mascarenhas, Kim Bernard, Carol Pelletier, Toby Sisson, Fanne Fernow

In Five Words : Tracy Spadafora

Essential Questions : Self-Critism In The Studio

By Jane Guthridge 

Graceann Warn, Nancy Natale, Cheryl D. McClure, Elise Wagner, Shawna Moore, Deborah Winiarski, Karen Nielsen-Fried, Tracey Adams

Artist Communities : Pamela Winegard

By Milisa Galazzi

Issue 9, May 2015

What Powers Abstract Painting ?

By Nancy Natale 

Cheryl McClure, Graceann Warn

On The Horizon

By Deborah Winiarsky 

Mark Lavatelli, Laura Moriarty, Cora Jane Glasser, Christy Diniz Liffmann, Francesca Azzara, Helen DeRamus, Cherie Mittenthal, Dawn Korman, Leslie Sobel, Judy Klich

In Five Words, Part One : Amy Weil

In Five Words, Part Two : Gwendolyn Plunkett

Essential Questions : Experimentation In The Studio

Edited by Jane Guthridge 

Christine Shannon Aaron, Carrie Piehl Goller, Pat Spainhour, Debra Claffey, Amy Weil, Jane Guthridge, Judy H. Klich, Cheryl McClure, Krista Svalbonas, Hylla Evans, Rae Miller, Joanne Mattera, Cat L Crotchett, Karen Nielsen-Fried, Lisa Pressman, Helen Dannely, Marilyn Banner, Nancy Natale, Laura Moriarty, Deborah Kapoor

Artist Communities : Louise Blyton

By Milisa Galazzi

Issue 10, August 2015

Professional Practices : The Big Picture

By Joanne Mattera  

Jane Allen Nodine, Carol Pelletier, Wendy Haas, Miles Conrad, Timothy McDowell, Fanne Fernow

Off The Grid…

By Deborah Winiarsky 

Dawna Bemis, Cat Crotchett, Joanne Mattera, Karen Freedman, Paul Rinaldi, Tremain Smith

In Five Words, Part One : Susan Lasch Krevitt

In Five Words, Part Two : Kathy Cantwell

Essential Questions : What Did You Learn In Art School ?

By Jane Guthridge 

Leslie Sobel, Patricia Dusman, Cat L Crotchett, Nancy Azara, Joanne Mattera, Kate Miller, Deborah Kapoor, Fanne Fernow, Kathy Cantwell, Jane Allen Nodine, Graceann Warn, Krista Svalbonas, Jane Guthridge, Jennie Frederick, Debra Claffey, Deborah Martin, Joan Stuart Ross, Carol Pelletier

Issue 11, November 2015

From The Editor

By Maritza Ruiz-Kim

Representing The Real And The Imagined

By Nancy Natale

Kevin Frank, Dan Addington

Art And Social Consciousness

By Deborah Winiarski

Corina S. Alvarezdelugo, Amber George, Nancy Natale, Gwendolyn Plunkett, Jeff Schaller

Editorial : Getting To There

By Joanne Mattera

Howard Hersh, Karen Freedman, Ruth Hiller

In Five Words, Part One : Jane Michalski

In Five Words, Part Two : Jeanne Heifetz

Essentials Questions : How Does The Use Of Encaustic Help To Express Your Ideas ?

By Jane Guthridge 

Elise Wagner, Joanne Mattera, Nancy Youdelman, Fanne Fernow, Amber George, Sarah Rehmer, Haley Nagy, Lorraine Glessner, Paula Roland, Dan Addington, Krista Svalbonas, Jeff Hirst, Timothy McDowell, Howard Hersh, Leslie Sobel

Artist Communities : Kate Neisser

By Milisa Galazzi

Issue 12, March 2016

Welcome To The 12th Issue Of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera and Nancy Natale

Curatorial Thinking

By Joanne Mattera

A Few Conversations About Color curated by Joanne Mattera : Nancy Natale, Joanne Freeman, Matthew Langley, Ruth Hiller, Julie Karabenick, Joanne Mattera. Photo : Joanne Mattera

Doppler Shift curated by Mary Birmingham : Mel Prest. Photo : Guido Winkler

Organic To Geometric : Investigations in Structure and Surface curated by Carol Pelletier : Dawna Bemis, Paul Rinaldi, Howard Hersh, Nancy Natale, Susan Lasch Krevitt. Photo : Michael Miller

Digging Deep

By Deborah Winiarski 

Patricia Aaron, Jeff Juhlin, Christine S. Aaron, Deborah Kapoor, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Sarah E. Rehmer, Lisa Pressman

In Five Words, Part One : Darla Bjork

In Five Words, Part Two : Cora Jane Glasser

Essentials Questions : How Do You Stay True To Your Vision ?

By Jane Guthridge

Kathy Cantwell, Dorothy Cochran, Cheryl D. McClure, Tracey Adams, Beverly Rippel, Krista Svalbonas, Debra Claffey, Mitchell Visoky, Patricia Dusman, Nancy Ferro, Elise Wagner

Artists Communities : Michele Wiji

By Milisa Galazzi 

Safety Equipment For Your Studio

By Patricia Dusman 

Introduction : Nancy Natale

Issue 13, August 2016

Header: Shelley Gilchrist, Liquid Sky-Race Point, date ?

Welcome To The 13th Issue Of ProWax Journal

From the Editors : Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Joanne Mattera 

Q & A with… Joan Stuart Ross

By Nancy Natale

Poetics Of The Found

By Deborah Winiarski 

Catherine Nash, Graceann Warn, Nancy Azara, Jeffrey Hirst, Lisa Zukowski, Miles Conrad, Sherrie Posternak, Lisa Barthelson, Nancy Youdelman, Cecile Chong

Navigating The Real Art World

By Joanne Mattera 

Dan Addington, Miles Conrad, Wendy Haas, Jeff Schaller

In Five Words : Amber George

By Debra Claffey

Essential Questions : Who’s Using Instagram ?

By Jane Guthridge 

Lisa Pressman, Tracey Adams, Howard Hersh, Beverly Rippel, Jeff Schaller, Kathy Cantwell, Krista Svalbonas, Jane Guthridge, Elise Wagner, Cari Hernandez, Susan Delgalvis

In Five Words : Celia Johnson

By Debra Claffey

Studio Visit

By Paula Fava 

David A. Clark, Marilyn Banner, Cheryl McClure, Beverly Rippel

Report From The Field : Conference Curatorial Exhibitions

By Deborah Winiarski 

On Your Mark curated by Patricia Dusman : Linda Cordner, Lorraine Glessner, Pat Spainhour, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Patricia Dusman. Photos : Patricia Dusman

Thinking Sideways : The Horizontal Line by Nancy Natale, hosted by Julie Heller East Gallery : Kathy Cantwell, Karen Hubacher, Jeff Juhlin, Carol Pelletier. Photos : Nancy Natale

Back Of The Panel

By Nancy Natale (Gerhard Richter)

Issue 14, October 2016

Header: Carol Pelletier, title ?, date ?

Welcome To The 14th Issue Of PWJ

By Joanne Mattera 

Shelley Gilchrist

Form And Iteration Across Mediums

By Shelley Gilchrist 

Christine Aaron, Jane Guthridge, Tracey Adams, Pamela Wallace, Ruth Hiller, Joanne Mattera, Corina Alvarezdelugo, Shelley Gilchrist

Q & A with… Alexandre Masino

By Nancy Natale 

Beauty And The Truth : The Art / Science Connection

By Deborah Winiarski 

Kay Hartung, Elise Wagner, Kim Bernard, Lorrie Fredette, Jeanne Heifetz, Tracy Spadafora, Laura Moriarty

In Five Words : Lynette Haggard 

By Debra Claffey

Essential Questions : How Do You Expand The Audience For Your Work ? 

By Jane Guthridge

Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Joanne Mattera, Tracey Adams, Anna Wagner-Ott, Elise Wagner, David A. Clark, Deborah Winiarski, Beverly Rippel

In Five Words : Janise Yntema

By Debra Claffey

Studio Visit, Kathy Cantwell : Maplewood, N.J. 

By Paula Fava

Open Call, Raising The Bar : An Online Critique Group And A Goal

By Kathy Cantwell 

Anna Wagner-Ott, Susan Paladino, Kathy Cantwell, Julie Snidle, Carole Peck Harrison, Melissa Morton Lackman, Elizabeth Harris, Robyn Child Cole, Gayle Oxford, Louise Noël, Arlene Sokolow, Steven Cabral

A Peek At Conference 11

By Joanne Mattera

Back Of The Panel (Judy Pfaff)

Issue 15, January 2017

Header: Lynda Ray, Double Fade, 2016

Welcome To The 15th Issue Of PWJ

By Joanne Mattera

Life Before Wax

By Joanne Mattera 

Lisa Pressman, Joan Stuart Ross, Paula Roland, Dan Addington, Deborah Kapoor, Howard Hersh, Lynette Haggard, Lynda Ray, Elise Wagner, Deborah Winiarski, Beverly Rippel, Jeff Schaller, Catherine Nash, Kay Hartung, Joanne Mattera, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Nancy Natale, Anna Wagner-Ott, Pat Spainhour, Jane Nodine, Helen De Ramus, Elena De La Ville, David A. Clark

In Five Words : Kim Henigman Bruce

By Debra Claffey

Q & A with… Lorrie Fredette

By Nancy Natale

Encaustic And The Photographic Image

By Deborah Winiarski 

Jill Skupin Burkholder, Elena De La Ville, Heidi F. Beal, Jeri Eisenberg, Fran Forman, Marybeth Rothman, Wayne Montecalvo, Susan Lasch Krevitt

Essential Questions : Do You Feel It Is Important To Be Part Of  A Community Of Artists ? 

By Jane Guthridge 

Dorothy Cochran, Anna Wagner-Ott, Rae Miller, Kathy Cantwell, David A. Clark, Joanne Mattera, Debra Claffey, Leslie Sobel, Jane Guthridge, Nancy Natale, Krista Svalbonas

In Five Words : Paul Rinaldi 

By Debra Claffey

Studio Visit, Maritza Ruiz-Kim : Martinez, California 

By Paula Fava

Open Call, End Of An Era : The Gallery At R&F Handmade Paints, 1995-2016 

By Pamela Blum 

Cynthia Winika, Rachel Friedberg, Nancy Azara, Timothy McDowell, Nancy Graves, Barbara Ellman, Pamela Blum, Laura Moriarty, Carol Bajen-Gahm

Back Of The Panel

By Nancy Natale (El Anatsui)

Issue 16, April 2017

Header: Debra Claffey, Edges and Meanders, 2017

Welcome to Issue 16 of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera

Steven J. Cabral

Q & A, Part 1 : Material Culture with Patricia Miranda

By Nancy Natale


By Deborah Winiarski 

Fanne Fernow, Ruth Hiller, Nancy Ferro, Binnie Birstein, Amy Ellingson, Lynda Ray, Deborah Kapoor, Corina S. Alvarezdelugo

Essential Questions : Artist Fatigue

By Jane Guthridge 

Brian Goslow, Shana Dumont Garr, Dan Addington, Wendy Hass, Joanne Mattera

In Five Words : Linda Cordner

By Debra Claffey 

Art/Community/Education : The Art of Teaching 

By Milisa Galazzi 

Toby Sisson, Sara Mast, David A. Clark, Lisa Pressman

In Five Words : Sandi Miot

By Debra Claffey


Editors’ Choice : What We’re Seeing, Liking , Doing

By Joanne Mattera 

Steven J. Cabral, Kim Henigman Bruce, Sean Paul Pluguez, Binnie Birstein, Miles Conrad

Studio Visit : Tracey Adams, Monterey, California

By Paula Fava

Books : Agnes Martin’s Awarenes of Perfection

By Pamela W. Wallace. Photo : Joanne Mattera

Open Call : Transition and Transformation

By Susan Delgalvis 

Susan Delgalvis, Jane Guthridge, Jeff Juhlin. Photos : Andre Delgalvis

Back of The Panel

By Nancy Natale (Joan Mitchell)

In The Header : Debra Claffey

Coming in Issue 17 

Rebecca Crowell

Issue 17, July 2017

Header: Jane Guthridge, Changing Light 3, 2017

Welcome to Issue 17 of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera

Paula Roland, Pat Spainhour, Christine Shannon Aaron. Photo : Debra Claffey

A Conversation About Cold Wax

By Joanne Mattera 

Rebecca Crowell, Carol Pelletier, Lora Murphy, Hylla Evans, Miles Conrad, Pedro Cuni

Essential Questions : How Do You Prepare for a Solo Show

By Jane Guthridge 

Amy Ellingson, Howard Hersh, Lynda Ray, Debra Claffey, Krista Svalbonas, Joanne Mattera, Leslie Neumann

Q & A, Part 2 : Artist-Run Culture with Patricia Miranda

By Nancy Natale

In Five Words : Sue Katz

By Debra Claffey

Art/Community/Education : The Teaching of Art

By Milisa Galazzi 

Jane Allen Nodine, Mitchell Visoky, Krista Svalbonas, Deborah Kapoor, Patricia Spainhour, Deborah Winiarski

In Five Words : Charyl Weissbach

By Debra Claffey

Special Section : The Exhibitions of Conference 11

By Deborah Winiarski 

Sense of Place juried by Patricia Miranda : Christine Shannon Aaron, Marilyn Banner, Binnie Birstein, Steven Cabral, Dorothy Cochran, Susan Delgalvis, Patricia Dusman, Julia Dzikiewicz, Shelley Gilchrist, Diana Gonzalez Gandolfi, Karen Ruth Karlsson, Melissa Morton Lackman, Cindy Martin Lesperance, Laura Moriarty, Nancy Natale, Beverly Rippel, Stephanie Roberts-Camello, Michelle Robinson, Lia Rothstein, Gay Schempp, Kelly Steinke, Marina Thompson, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Mitchell Visoky, Pamela W. Wallace, Nancy Whitcomb. Photos : Cherie Mittenthal. 

The Space Between Shadow and Light curated by Debra Claffey : Christine Shannon Aaron, Debra Claffey, Paula Roland, Toby Sisson, Pat Spainhour. Photos : Dora Ficher, Debra Claffey. 

Photosynthesis curated by Sherrie Posternak and Lia Rothstein : Fran Forman, Wayne Montecalvo, Sherrie Posternak, Lia Rothstein, Patti Russotti, Janise Yntema, Photos : Deborah Winiarski, Patti Russotti, Lia Rothstein. 

Cherie Mittenthal : New Works. Photos : Deborah Winiarski. 

Alternative Wax – Layers of Facts  juried by Francine d’Olimpio, 40 artists from around the globe : Christine Shannon Aaron, Binnie Birstein, Edith Rae Brown, Martha Chason-Sokol, Debra Claffey, Dorothy Cochran, Kathy Cotter, Angel Dean, Susan Delgalvis, Patricia Dusman, Julie Dzikiewicz, Dora Ficher, Milisa Galazzi, Jennifer Greely, Penny Gunderson, Ritch Hanna, Elizabeth Harris, Beth Johnston, Susan Lasch-Krevitt, Wayne Montecalvo, Nancy Natale, Louise Noel, Susan Paladino, Samantha Passaniti, Lisa Pressman, Jodi Reeb, Beverly Rippel, Stephanie Roberts-Camello, Ruth Sack, Gay Schempp, Marina Thompson, Mitchell Visoky, Anna Wagner-Ott, Pamela W. Wallace, Deborah Winiarski, Nancy Whitcomb, Mira M. White, Dianna Woolley, Patricia Yanulis, Janise Yntema. Photos : Kobalt Gallery, Deborah Winiarski, Cherie Mittenthal.

Black Tie (optional), Adam Peck Gallery : Christine Shannon Aaron, Marie-Claude Allen, Corina Alvarezdelugo, Dawna Bemis, Binnie Birstein, Pamela Blum, Karen Bright, Kathy Cantwell, Martha Chason-Sokol, Debra Claffey, Dorothy Cochran, Linda Cordner, Kathy Cotter, Cat Crotchett, Helen Dannelly, Susan Delgalvis, Patricia Dusman, Fanne Fernow, Karen Frazer, Milisa Galazzi, Lorraine Glessner, Diana Gonzalez Gandolfi, Jennifer Greely, Kay Hartung, Jeff Hirst, Karen Hubacher, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Sara Mast, Joanne Mattera, Cheryl McClure, Cherie Mittenthal, Laura Moriarty, Nancy Natale, Louise Noel, Susan Paladino, Adam Peck, Sherrie Posternak, Lisa Pressman, Lynda Ray, Stephanie Roberts-Camello, Paula Roland, Lia Rothstein, Julie Snidle, Patricia Spainhour, Marina Thompson, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Mitchell Visoky, Anna Wagner-Ott, Charyl Weissbach, Deborah Winiarski, Dianna Woolley, Lisa Zukowski. Photos : Corina S. Alvarezdelugo, Deborah Winiarski

Special Section : Depth Perception at Cape Cod Museum

By Joanne Mattera 

22 artworks by 19 artists : Lynda Ray, Wayne Montecalvo, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Cherie Mittenthal, Carol Pelletier, Jane Guthridge, Karen Freedman, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Sandi Miot, Laura Moriarty, Steven J. Cabral, Lisa Pressman, Joanne Mattera, Nancy Natale, Toby Sisson, Stephanie Roberts-Camello, Lorraine Glessner, Pamela Blum, Janise Yntema. Photos : Joanne Mattera

Studio Visit : Howard Hersh, San Francisco

By Paula Fava

Back of The Panel

By Nancy Natale (Harmony Hammond)

In the Header : Jane Guthridge

Issue 18, October 2017

Header: Ruth Hiller, Superdrive, 2014

Welcome to Issue 18 of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera

Q & A with… Debra Ramsay

By Nancy Natale

In Five Words : Annette Kearney

By Debra Claffey 

Wax and The Color of Flesh

By Joanne Mattera 

Francisco Benitez, Lora Murphy, Fayum Portrait : unknown artist, Jeff Schaller, Dan Addington, Kevin Frank, Tony Scherman, Marybeth Rothman, Elena De La Ville, Christian Faur, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Robert Gober, Vanessa Beecroft, Rashid Johnson, Ugo Rondinone

Open Call : Pursuing an MFA at Midlife

By Winston Lee Mascarenhas

In Five Words : Binnie Birstein

Essential Questions : How Do You Pack and Ship Your Work for Temperatures Extremes ? 

By Jane Guthridge 

Jane Nodine, Matt Duffin, David A. Clark, Joanne Mattera, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Karen Hubacher, Leslie Neumann, Graceann Warn, Lorrie Fredette, Jane Guthridge, Elizabeth Harris, Patricia Dusman

Studio Visit : Joan Stuart Ross, Seattle and Nahcotta

By Paula Fava

Editor’s Choice : In Praise of Experience

By Joanne Mattera 

Nancy Youdelman, Nancy Azara, Karen Freedman, Shelley Gilchrist, Jeri Eisenberg, Patti Russotti, Darla Bjork, Lynette Haggard, Binnie Birstein, Nancy Natale, Toby Sisson, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Debra Ramsay

Report : Nancy Youdelman at the Fresno Art Museum

By Susan Lasch Krevitt

Photos : Michael Karibian

In The Header : Ruth Hiller

Back of the Panel

By Nancy Natale (Arshile Gorky)

Issue 19, January 2018

Header: Joanna Kidney, Forest, 2016

Welcome to Issue 19 of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera (Michelangelo)


By Deborah Winiarski 

Dan Addington, Kim Henigman Bruce, Gwendolyn Plunkett, Miles Conrad, Rachel Friedberg, Nancy Natale, Cecile Chong, Alexandre Masino, Tracy Spadafora, Patricia Dusman

Your Art Does Not Speak for Itself

By Milisa Galazzi 

Pat Spainhour, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Lorraine Glessner, Joanna Kidney, Joanne Mattera

Ephemeral Figures in Wax

By Susanne K. Arnold 

Medardo Rosso, Edwin Lyon, Clemente Susini, A.P. Pinson, Anna Morandi Manzolini, Marie Grosholz aka Madame Tussaud, Philippe Curtius, Edgar Degas, Lynda Benglis, Paul Thek, Susanne K. Arnold, Kiki Smith, John Isaac, Gavin Turk, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Urs Fischer, Robert Gober, La Huy, Helen Dannelly, Petah Coyne

Essential Questions : The Next Step in Your Career

By Jane Guthridge 

Dorothy Cochran, Paula Roland, Heid F. Beal, Laura Moriarty, Lorrie Fredette, Joanne Mattera, Debra Claffey, Dan Addington, Krista Svalbonas, Milisa Galazzi, Elizabeth Harris, Jeff Juhlin

In Five Words : Dianne Jean Erickson 

By Debra Claffey

Studio Visit : Shelley Gilchrist, Chicago area

By Shelley Gilchrist

In Five Words : Debra Claffey

In Residence : Report From the Yukon

By Leslie Sobel

Open Call : Copying versus Finding a Signature Style

By Anna Wagner-Ott

Repudiating « Encaustic Art » but Standing Up for Encaustic

By Nancy Natale 

Sharon Ligorner, Nancy Natale

In the Header : Joanna Kidney

Back of the Panel

By Nancy Natale (Ursula Von Rydingsvard)

Issue 20, April 2018

Header: Joanne Mattera, Silk Road 404, 2018 

Welcome to Issue 20 of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera

Q & A with… Binnie Birstein 

By Nancy Natale

In Five Words : Michael David

By Debra Claffey


Curated Feature by Deborah Winiarski

Sandi Miot, Lorraine Glessner, Jane Nodine, Lisa Zukowski, Deborah Winiarski, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Dawna Bemis, Cat Crotchett

Essential Questions : Who’s Afraid of Beauty ? 

By Jane Guthridge 

Deborah Kapoor, Jeri Eisenberg, Paula Roland, Joanne Mattera, Christine Shannon Aaron, Debra Claffey, Heidi F. Beal, Anna Wagner-Ott, Amy Weil, Deborah Martin, Lorraine Glessner

A Visit with Leslie Neumann

By Julie Garisto

In Five Words : Lia Rothstein

By Debra Claffey 

Some Recent Exhibitions by our ProWax Members

Catherine Nash, Howard Hersh, Steven J. Cabral, Lisa Pressman, Beverly Rippel, Joanna Kidney (Jasper Johns : New York Times article by Deborah Solomon)

Studio Visit : Debra Claffey, New Hampshire

By Paula Fava

In Residence : The Quest for My Ideal Art Residencies

By Heidi F. Beal 

Ruth Hiller, Pamela Winegard, Paula Roland, Leslie Sobel, Winston Lee Mascarenhas, Kim Bernard

Open Call : What If ? 

By Lorrie Fredette

Editorial : Fresh-picked Grapes Don’t Yield Wine Overnight

By Joanne Mattera

In the Header : Joanne Mattera

Back of the Panel (Leonardo Drew)

Issue 21, October 2018

Header: Nancy Natale, As Sweet As Honey, 2011

Welcome to Issue 21 of ProWax Journal

By Joanne Mattera

Q&A with… Christine Shannon Aaron

By Nancy Natale

In Five Words : Ellen Koment 

By Debra Claffey

The Body in Wax : Visual Excerpts from « Like Life » at the Met

By Joanne Mattera 

Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Herbert Adams, Thomas Southwood Smith and Jacques Talrich, John Gibson, Malvina Cornell Hoffman, Edgar Degas, Yinka Shonibare, Angelo Pio, Yayoi Kusama, Pierre Imans, Kiki Smith, Jean-Leon Gerome, Louise Bourgeois, Robert Gober, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Alison Saar, Fontana Workshop, Maurizio Cattelan, Philippe Curtius

Essential Questions : Who’s Curating and Why ?

By Jane Guthridge 

Carol Pelletier, Jane Allen Nodine, Dorothy Cochran, Wendy Haas, Joanne Mattera, Sandi Miot, Susanne Kilgore Arnold, Nancy Natale, Debra Claffey, Jane Guthridge, Christine Shannon Aaron, Deborah Kapoor

Studio Visit : Jeff Schaller, Downingtown, Pennsylvania

By Paula Fava

Studio Visit : Dietland Vander Schaaf, Portland, Maine

By Paula Fava 

Photos : Anne Stuer, Jesika Theos

Studio Visit : Jodi Reeb, Minneapolis

By Paula Fava

Somebody’s Deciding Your Art Future, And It May Not Be You

By Joanne Mattera 

Leslie Sobel, Laura Moriarty, Joanne Mattera, Deborah Kapoor

Show Time ! Exhibitions During the 12th International Encaustic Conference 

Organic to Geometric : Investigations in Structure and Surface at Provincetown Art Association and Museum curated by Carol Pelletier : Jeffrey Hirst, Toby Sisson, Linda Cordner, Cherie Mittenthal, Lisa Pressman, Timothy McDowell, Laura Moriarty, Lynette Haggard, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Joanne Mattera, Christine Aaron, Miles Conrad, Debra Claffey, Ruth Hiller, Nancy Natale, Pamela Blum, Binnie Birstein, Shelley Gilchrist, Lorraine Glessner, Karen Hubacher, Milisa Galazzi, Karen Freedman, David A. Clark, Howard Hersh. Photos : Joanne Mattera, Karen Freedman. 

Constellations at Julie Heller Heast Gallery: Dorothy Cochran, Linda Ray. Photo : Linda Ray. 

Keep it 100 at On Center Gallery curated by Winston Lee Mascarenhas : Dorothy Cochran, Miles Conrad, Patricia Dusman, Leslie Giuliani, Kay Hartung, Howard Hersh, Deborah Kapoor, Winston Lee Mascarenhas, Joanne Mattera, Cherie Mittenthal, Jodi Reeb, Stephanie Roberts-Camello, Paula Roland, Lia Rothstein, Susan Stover, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Pamela Winegard, Janise Yntema. Photos : Joanne Mattera, Winston Lee Mascarenhas. 

The Blues at Adam Peck Gallery, Marian and Adam Peck. Photo : David Dunlap. The complete list of 46 artists: Susanne K. Arnold, Michael Billie, Pamela Blum, Karen Bright, Kathy Cantwell, Melissa Chapin, Martha Chason-Sokol, Dorothy Cochran, Joyce Coolidge, Linda Cordner, Kathleen Cosgrove, Cat Crotchett, Angel Dean, Patricia Dusman, Karen Frazer, Allison Fullerton, Elizabeth Garrett, Kay Hartung, Eliaichi Kimaro, Susan Lasch Krevitt, Joanne Mattera, Cherie Mittenthal, Louise Noel, Susan Paladino, Deborah Peeples, Susan Poirier, Sherrie Posternak, Lisa Pressman, Lynda Ray, Jodi Reeb, Stephanie Roberts-Camello, Lia Rothstein, Patricia Russotti, Julie Snidle, Patricia Spainhour (with Paul Spainhour), Sarah Springer, Caryl St. Ama, Susan Stover, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Mitchell Visoky, Anna Wagner-Ott, Pamela W. Wallace, Charyl Weissbach, Dianna Woolley, Janise Yntema, Lisa Zukowski. Photos : courtesy of Adam Peck Gallery, Louise Noël, Corina Alvarezdelugo, Dorothy Cochran

Trans, the Conference Juried Show juried by Tim Doud. 22 artists:  Pamela Blum, Miles Conrad, Joyce Coolidge, Pam Cullen-Schneider, Patricia Dusman, Paula Cecilia Fava, Amy Finder, AJ Grossman, Karen Ruth Karlsson, Sandra Koberlein, Maryanne O’Brien, Deborah Peeples, Jodi Reeb, Kelly Austin-Rolo, Lia Rothstein, Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Pat Spainhour, Sarah Springer, Anne Strout, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Michiko Watanabe, and Janise Yntema. Photos : Cherie Mittenthal, AJ Grossman


Place Through Process at Gallery 10 : Cherie Mitthenthal, Stephanie Roberts-Camello. Photos : Stephanie Roberts-Camello

In Residence : Pat Spainhour at Evans Encaustic

By Pat Spainhour 

Photo : Paul Spainhour

In Five Words : Niamh O’Connor

By Debra Claffey

Remembering Binnie 

By Joanne Mattera

Binnie Birstein, Nancy Natale, David A. Clark, Lynette Haggard, Pamela W. Wallace, Cat Crotchett, Leslie Sobel, Cheryl D. McClure, Nancy Azara, Karen Hubacher, Jen Greely

In The Header : Nancy Natale

Back of the Panel (Helen Frankenthaler)


my first Issues of PWJ in 2013